Afghanistan: Taliban forbid residents to shave beards

Some Kabul barbers have also received a similar warning.

“Taliban fighters arrive and order us to stop cutting our beards,” said a hairdresser in the Afghan capital. The Taliban have warned that incognito inspectors will protect Sharia law, he adds.

Another Kabul barber said the Taliban asked him “not to propagate the American style” and to stop cutting and shaving his beard. Hairdressers also say that with the introduction of new orders by the Taliban and the loss of customers, their businesses have become unprofitable and they will have to look for new jobs.

During the first Taliban regime in Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001, men were not allowed to wear more sophisticated hairstyles and insisted on growing beards, recalls the BBC. He adds that after the fall of the Taliban, many Afghan men began to take better care of their hair and beards, and to use the services of hairdressers with trendy hairstyles.

The Taliban’s approach to the issue of male facial hair is another sign that, despite initial assurances to abandon the most restrictive elements of its previous regime, the Taliban are forcing their strict interpretation of Sharia law on Afghans, according to the government. BBC.

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Winston Ferguson

"Total travelaholic. Subtly charming zombie geek. Friend of animals everywhere. Music buff. Explorer. Tv junkie."

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